Antiques and pre-owned collectibles that bring pleasure and satisfaction to all....

About Us
If you want it. We Have it.
Please Visit Us Soon
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About Us
Antiques and pre-owned collectibles that bring pleasure and satisfaction to all....

Antiques and pre-owned collectibles that bring pleasure and satisfaction to all....

Our Business Philosophy

The objective of our business is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers. We hope you will enjoy visiting our web site and using our products as much as we enjoyed providing them for you.

Our Employees

Employees play an important role in any business. Here is where we get a chance to tell you a little about ourselves. We may talk about our families, interests, and what we do in our free time. We try to bring our passion for life to you through our business and this web site. We may even provide a link to our personal web site to tell you more about ourselves.

Our Company

This is where you can learn about our company and its history. We have been interested in starting our own business for many years and are excited to finally have reached that goal. Taking our business to the web makes the process even more exciting.

Our Shop

Here is a picture of our shop.



WebMaster's Chiropractic Doctor.... Dr. T. Shane Palmer, D. C. at this URL:

T. Shane Palmer Chiropractic Clinic, (302) 328-2656:
191 Christiana Rd, New Castle, Delaware 19720-3024

Click HERE.... Go THERE!
Doctor T. Shane Palmer

T. Shane Palmer Chiropractic Clinic, (302) 328-2656: 191 Christiana Rd, New Castle, Delaware 19720-3024 at this URL:

Booth's Corner Farmer's Market at this URL:

Jim Beaver WebMaster at this URL:

JimBob: WebMaster



Uncle John's Attic at Booth's Corner Farmer's Market 1362 Naaman's Creek Road, Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania 19063